Outside influence on MLK was applied to all of MLK. Change in a system occurs only when a force outside His protests, Martin Luther King made use of a fundamental law One cannot free oneself from racismĪs long as one is glued to racism. One cannot free others from racism, withoutįreeing oneself from racism. experienced it personally asĭirected towards ourselves and/or experienced it by directing
I am certain that many of us here has experienced To Racism of the Kings, Queens, and Warriors. At this juncture, I wish to speak about his pathĪs a part of a greater path which I call The Sly Fox Approach Martin Luther King, is held high, but his path, his methods haveīeen forgotten. Riots, anger, and weeping which came before. More power for change than the some total of all the speeches, Revealed for Black Americans the path of an Indian, Ghandi, had
In the 1960's a man, a Christian Minister, They have seen as others saw their bubbles burst in air, they have learned to live it down as though they did not care.
By Harlem Renaissance poet Georgia Douglas Johnson Old men They have dreamed as young men dream of glory, love and power they have hoped as youth will hope of life's sun-minted hour.